I am not a man hater
per se`
A few have proven to be inspirational



Updates coming soon!

O.k....so I know I've said that before and I feel no less pressed for time now than ever before but there now I have a laptop...woohoo!! So look out blogosphere...I'm baa-aaack!!!



Birthday Beaver

Have a girlfriend turning the big 50 or beyond?
Looking for that perfect gift?
Forget all that "over the hill" crap.
Enter her into the:
"Gray Beaver Club"

Leave it to a woman to come up with a clever way to celebrate all those hard earned gray hairs that as the "Queen Beaver" states are "one year closer to dyeing".

Check out her story here along with a few more products to get the giggles going around the office.

And be sure to read her blog for pictures & ideas on how other woman are naming and caring for their "Gray Beavers".


I came across this at StumbleUpon

Don't know where it came from so I cannot give credit where credit is due.
I also have know way of knowing if the errr..happy couple is still together.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us



I don't know about you, but this would slow me down! People slow down and try to 'straddle' the hole, then breathe a sign of relief they completely clear it!

This is actually a
speed control device that is in use.
And it is much cheaper than speed cameras